The future language of this blog

Three years ago I started writing this blog. The reason for becoming a blogger according to my own blogpost were the following:

  • Persönliches Wissensmanagement: Ich schaue immer mal wieder in meinem Blog nach, wie ich ein bestimmtes Problem gelöst habe. Da ich es selber geschrieben habe und selber mit Tags versehen habe, kann ich es relativ schnell finden.
  • Werbung für meine kleine Firma, Schär Webdesign.
  • Ein bisschen etwas an die Community zurückgeben.

I don't need advertisement for my company anymore but definitely more practice with the english language.

Since I started working in an international team english has become even more important. There's plenty of chances to practice speaking but what about writing? What better chance could I get than my blog? I apologize to all my non english speaking readers. Maybe this is your chance to learn/practice your english? And I aplogize to all my english speaking readers for mistakes and incorrect grammar. It's going to get better over time, I promise. And who knows maybe in another three years I'm going to write this blog in french or maybe even chinese?

I remain respectfully yours,

Sir Rapsli 😉