Fast Gallery scheint extrem beliebt zu sein, aber doch nicht ganz so einfach zu installieren -> liegt aber haubsächlich an Imagecache. Daher hier nochmals ein Walk through: danke an charles05663
1) set the Home –> Administer –> Site Building –> Imagecache
and create the locations for the thumbs and full size pictures. You will also need to set the sizes, etc.
2) create the folders that you defined for imagecache and set the correct permissions.
3) create the folders where you want to store your pictures. Upload you pictures to the location. Note that at this time, you must have at least one picture in you root folder.
4) go to Home –> Administer –> Site Configuration –> Fast Gallery
and set the location of the pictures from step #3 and the imagecache namespaces from step #1.
5) go to Home –> Administer –> Reports and run cron.
Here is my setting if they help:
1 created the following namespaces from step #1, image_big and image_gallery_200. I set mine similar to the screencast that rapsli did.
2 created the following directories:
Make sure you have to correct permissions.
3 uploaded my pictures to sites/default/files/pictures
4 set my Path to Gallery to sites/default/files/pictures (#3), Name of Imagecache namespace to image_gallery_200 (#1), and Name Imagecache namespace for big pictures to image_big (#1).
5 Run cron
Update [6. Oktober 2010]: Ein neueres Kurztutorial kann ist verfügbar.